Who’s that girl?

In the summer of 1979 I was born in the city of Arnhem, a leo named Femke Klein Obbink. The name ‘Femke’ is Germanic, meaning “renowned for peace” or “famous protector” or, as in Friesian, the language spoken in the north of the Netherlands where I grew up, it is similar to the word ‘famke’ which means girl.

Now who’s this girl?

Well.. I like swimming in the night, getting lost in China, dancing in the streets, fresh juices and hedgehogs. I don’t like fur in fashion, the costs of concert ticket”service” and people who think they know it all – in religion, politics or wherever. I believe people should stop treating animals as products and start seeing them for what they are: interesting and crazy amazing creatures of this planet. Just like us. Don’t abuse them, let them be. As for my being; I can rock a lot of voices in dialect, and I love stories and storytelling.

I’m a video editor

My strength is in humor, my eye for detail and keeping the main storyline in sight in order to tell a story as clear and balanced as possible, yet with surprises. I like to play with glances, timing and music.
I also do some directing and camerawork as a ‘camjo’ or video journalist. In this way, I am able to make something from the first lines on paper until the broadcasting, with everything in between. I work very independently, but blend with a team as well.

I studied audio-visual design,

Then I worked for 3 years at a company where my first editing jobs were Ushi & Van Dijk and boxing matches in an outside broadcast van. I also taught editing courses in Athens, Greece and at a postdoctoral study in Groningen.
I became a freelance editor when I was 24, with my initial freelance jobs being 6pack, The Trip and Road Rally for MTV. I love the freedom freelancing provides me ever since. I get the chance to work with so many wonderful, open-minded and creative people. My work comes from within, I put many hours and much passion into it, and therefore I take a break every now and then, to not only see the world at my screen but to explore it myself. For me traveling is the best way to collect stories and get to know other cultures. I absolutely adore it. I’m always curious to turn and face the strange and approach the world with open mind & eyes.


provides a big part of false image building in the world, a lot of fear gets spread and unnecessary product selling happens. I wish not to participate in this – I like programs that enrich our brains, that bring us laughter or weird facts or make a difference. You’ll find a selection of my work here, most of it is in Dutch – since I am a Dutchie. I’d like to see this website as my online playground. I also enjoy writing and photography – so, you’ll find some of that here as well.
And to end this story: I feel we all make this world into what it is. In our being there are no borders. Peace.

Daily Photo


Een draaidag met Omroep Maxim

Fem in Fabuleaux FantAsia – deel 6

Brommers en pyamapakken. Suikerzoete Disneyhuizen met overal bovenuit stekende antennes. Maria en Boeddha gaan hand in hand en de rood-geel besterde vlag wappert met trots. Heftige oorlogen in de geschiedenis met de gevolgen van agent orange zichtbaar in mens en natuur, alweer bedankt Amerika en Goodmorning Vietnam! Het land dat houdt van geld en familie. […]


Femke Klein Obbink
+31 6 19622653